A Different Kind of Truth


A Different Kind of Truth

Van Halen

Genre: Hard Rock

  1. gives it a: 1/5

    “Tattoo, tattoo; sexy dragon magic. Tattoo, tattoo; so very autobiographic” is the real, actual hook on this album’s first track. Forgiving that that line came from an actual human brain because it’s that of DLR, as Truth wears on, it becomes apparent that he’s either descended to Wiseau-esque self-parody or has just aged God-awfully. Worse, EVH’s tone lacks all the signature cut-through needed to marry the 1978 attitude he’s trying to recapture. The mix is muddy, middling, and grossly flat. The “classic VH” party vibe sounds deliberate, forced, and contrived. The “oomph” isn’t there! Regardless, it all sounds like exactly what you’d expect an old guy in full Ed Hardy getup to get really pumped about. At least Van Hagar had the maturity and dignity to try to evolve; here, we’re watching full-on three-quarter-life crisis unfold. If you like Van Halen, spare yourself their pitiful hour-plus memorial rites. I have to turn it off now; I’m cringing myself to death.

  2. gives it a: 5/5

    28 years of waiting is over. David Lee Roth, perhaps rock n’rolls greatest showman, has returned to the unstable Van Halen camp. With Sammy Hagar, thankfully, out of the picture, the boys convened, sans Mike Anthony and plus Wolfgang Van Halen, to craft a return to form.

    That’s what they promised and……surprise…that’s exactly what A Different Kind Of Truth is, a big, fast rock n’roll slice of 1978. There’s a reason for that too. The tunes presented here were put together mostly from some old demos that VH never used way back in the day. The result is a time capsule of everything that made Van Halen great…..Eddie’s virtuoso chops, David Lee Roth’s limited but quirky croon, and Alex Van Halen’s rather thunderous drum sound. It all comes together like the perfect Christmas gift, 12 mostly fast, hedonistic tunes that don’t even remotely touch on getting older and wiser. It’s just what the doctor ordered.

    In a time when politics are cut throat and people are on edge, its a welcome respite to see good ole’ Diamond Dave bringing the party back.