The Second Album   The First Rehearsal Tapes


The Second Album The First Rehearsal Tapes


  1. gives it a: 5/5

    imagine that you have two friends. these guys are assholes and dangerous. one day they fell a telephone pole. one guy does a lou reed impression while the other one pees on the power lines. of course they go to a rubber room. after three years of cooking they decide have a talent show to convince the administrators that they are fit for society. they reason whatever got them in could get them out. this album is the set of songs they would play. first they show demonstrate how to court a nice girl. next they act out having a day job. act 3 has them in love (selling their own success from act 1). act 5 is a retrospective of their past behavior, showing they,like, really get it. act 12 is a victory dance. act 13 is them being led back to their rooms.

    if you needed more proof that the boldest steps in music come from non-musicians, here you go.