Rated R is a 2000 album by Queens of the Stone Age, containing the first appearance of former Screaming Trees vocalist Mark Lanegan, and the first significant appearance of Nick Oliveri, on a Queens of the Stone Age record. Oliveri appeared briefly on the band's previous album (Queens of the Stone Age) in a voice sample. Los Angeles based drummer Gene Trautmann plays on tracks 1, 6, 7, and 9. Read more on Last.fm.

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I’ve been listening to this record for about a decade now and it still knocks me flat. Leave be the fact that its opening song consists entirely of a laundry list of narcotics (lyrically) and a single note (musically), it will forever remain our modern high-water mark of the “sex, drugs, and rock ‘n roll” ethos. It was here that Josh Homme finally stepped out of the Palm Desert canyons – and the ashes of the legendary riff-rock chains of Kyuss and the ensuing Queens “debut” – and, Ripper-like, followed the scent of our blood into the neon night. Homme and Co. fly their freak flag high for the first time with R. This record carves out dark, strange, haunting territory in that run-down Highway-1 motel deep in your gut, lights up a cigarette, turns out the light, and husks out all its ghost stories until the wide-eyed dawn. Rated R is an unbelievable, cinematic stroke of genius, taking us through the (literal and figurative) highs and lows and all our minds’ weird and wicked corners between.