Ten Stories


Ten Stories


  1. gives it a: 4/5

    MeWithoutYou are like the Beatles (apologies for a parallel which could arguably be called low-hanging fruit). Even when I’m lost, or just generally have no idea what the hell they are talking about, they have a musical consistency which makes them timeless to their fans.

    Sounds like MeWithoutYou but innovates while keeping the listener captivated with their concept discography.

  2. gives it a: 4/5

    Conveniently falling between ‘Catch For Us the Foxes’ and ‘Brother, Sister’ stylistically, ‘Ten Stories’ won’t disappoint any mwY fan. It’s standard storytelling-with-accompaniment fare that pushes Aaron Weiss to the forefront, but with more varied, yet structured, grooves than their earlier work.

    Bottom line: mewithoutYou is still doing what they do, in a space with no real competitors. I’ll take anything they throw my way.