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A bit more in the vein of their southern rock influences, the album boasts good song craft. The issue is….you forget most of it an hour later.
“In Dead We Dream” contains a very brief glimmer of hope for the rest of the album before nose diving into Grunge influenced poor-man’s stadium rock.
“Southern kids shop at malls, too. We should make a record exclusively for them. Since none of us were actually in this band when it started, it’s not like it matters what we sound like.” – the members of Maylene, on the inspiration for Vaguely Southern-esque Hot Topic-core, the new subgenre they created with IV
Slightly different feel than the previous albums but I love it nonetheless. The whole vibe of this album is a little more mellow than II or III but still stays true to their sound. They really can’t do any wrong in my eyes though, absolutely worth a listen.