The Path of Totality


The Path of Totality


The Path of Totality is the tenth studio album by American metal band Korn, released on December 2, 2011.The album was produced by various electronic music producers such as Skrillex, Noisia, Excision and various other independent producers.The fusion of metal and dubstep featured in this album has been coined dubmetal. Read more on

  1. gives it a: 2/5

    This album tries really hard to push the blend of dubstep and metal, but at the end of the day, it sounds like remixes of songs that don’t exist in any other form. It was a good blend of what they were trying to attempt, but what they were trying to attempt just doesn’t work to begin with. The dubstep sound effects and noises just throw off your ability to focus on the songs and it’s just hard to connect with the material. It’s like putting putting two foods together that would just be disgusting as a pair, but delicious on their own. The redeeming quality, however, is the lyrical content. The lyrics are typical, personal, and in your face Korn and Jonathan Davis really shines as a lyricist here