


Judas Priest

Released in 2001, Demolition is album #14 by Heavy Metal band Judas Priest. It is also the 2nd and final album to feature Tim 'Ripper' Owens on vocals. Read more on

  1. gives it a: 5/5

    I’ll keep this short and sweet as Judas Priest don’t need my usual four paragraph analysis.

    Demolition is one of two Priest records not featuring Rob Halford. In his place is a tribute band singer named Tim “Ripper” Owens. Tim filled Halfords spot perfectly and managed to both sound like and, at times, out sing his predecessor. The riffs here are classic Priest caliber and the vibe is absolutely crisp and pissed. This is an album I happily recommend to all metalheads. I recommend it as proof that (unlike Van Halen) some metal groups can change vocalists and succeed in creating a classic record. Yeah….5 stars,