Trouble in Mind


Trouble In Mind

Hayes Carll

  1. gives it a: 5/5

    If John Prine and Tom Waits had a love child, abandoned at birth and raised by The Allman Brothers, I’m pretty sure he’d be Hayes Carll, a gravel toned poet with songs about getting drunk, sleeping around and getting your ass kicked. This is the kind of monumental album that kicks the commercial shit to the curb, then curbs stomps it. Carll is country for sure…but you’ll never hear “She Left Me For Jesus” on the radio…not in the Bible Belt at least. It’s not even really alt-country. The whole album sounds like John Prines lost country record. Carlls voice is whiskey soaked and raw, his lyrics are clever and twisted and he’s good picker to boot. This album hit me, grabbed my arm and told me to spread the gospel. Here it is…be healed.